How to market your fashion brand

This is a question I am asked so often, let's just dive into it! 

  1. Ideal Customer Research, Target Market, & Branding

You may be thinking that your ideal customer is obvious, but a lot can come to life when doing the work to really get down to the nitty-gritty of WHO you are marketing to. Too broad of an audience is what we all dream of but it is not realistic when it comes to selling your product. You need to niche down and get as much information as possible to best target your marketing campaigns. Remember, ideal customer work is who you want to target with your marketing and promotions.

Next, are the basics of ensuring that your brand is ready to be marketed. Ask yourself if you have done the following:

Gain a real understanding of your branding: Branding is defined by Oxford Dictionary as the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design.

Spend time (invest!!) in developing and understanding your brand. Your brand identity is not just your logo, it includes the following: 

  • Mission Statement

  • Brand Pillars

  • Brand Voice

  • Brand Vision + Goals, mission statement,

  • Brand Keywords

  • Logo Components 

  • Typography

  • Color Palette

  • Brand Photography

The above elements are vital in communicating your brand and having the information available to pass on to those who work with you and your brand to ensure you are all on the same page. If you plan to work with investors you will want this information handy, the more you grow the more you realize the value!

2. Invest in Your Website

Your website is the “storefront“ of your business. Investing in someone who can build you a beautifully branded website is vital in showcasing what sets you apart from your competition. Think of the last time you went into a retail store and enjoyed your experience. Use those elements and create a virtual oasis for your customers to shop on.

3. Use your branding across ALL marketing platforms

When I say all marketing platforms I mean the ones that make sense for you! We are overconsumed with social media accounts and I have seen it time and time again, we waste energy on the wrong platforms. Once you have finished your target market research you will better be able to see where to focus. I always suggest 2-3 to get started. Find what is working and what isn’t and reaccess after a few months.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is here to stay! My clients see about 50% of sales coming from email marketing. Use your social platforms to help create email leads. Ensure that you have set up welcome campaigns and abandon cart campaigns to convert subscribers!

Create a welcome series email: A good welcome email is perfect to convert a new customer! Create a unique coupon code to promote a site-wide discount.

Remind your shoppers about their abandoned carts: with over 65% of shoppers forgetting their carts it is no wonder abandoned cart emails are so important! Set up a beautifully branded abandon cart email to help make a sale! 

5. Incorporate video where you can 

Video content has taken over in 2022 and it won’t be much different moving forward. Create engaging videos to use on social media and even in your email marketing. Video content can range from traditional video to still images to gifs. Movement is key in marketing and capturing attention quickly! Short-term video is most effective — think anywhere under 10 seconds!

Ready to level up your marketing? Learn more about Fem+Fleur services here!


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